My Achievements this Semester
This semester is my second semester as an ESL student. The most excited thing in this semester is learning how to create blog. I had thought about creating my own blog, but I did not have the courage to do so. I thought it would be difficult and an obligation. However, blogging was enjoyable because I could choose the writing format and add photos or videos. Also, writing journals was entertaining although I found some difficulties in choosing my journals topics. I tried many different writing topics that I had not write about before: I wrote a short prayer; this was my first time to pray in a foreign language, which was wired and interesting! Another thing I am proud about is my final speech for pronunciation course. I copied a part of a speech that given by Hilary Clinton at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women. I practiced a lot and I still remember many sentences. I had chosen a part that I believed in then I delivered it from my heart. Th...